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Railroad Vechiles
See translation with Google Translate Google Translate GÜNSAN is one of the leadingproducers of coil springs and anti-roll bars for Turkish automotive industry and has among it's customers the leading vehicle manufacturers in Turkey.Our company supplies coil springs and anti-roll bars for Renault , Fiat and Hyundai vehicles manufactured in Turkey.We also produce for Otosan (Ford), BMC and Hendrickson(UK) and deliver heavy coil springs to Turkish State Railroads and for Middle Eastern railroad industries.In our plant located at Gebze (50km East of Istanbul) on an area of 20.000m² including 7000 m² of production halls , we manufacture on demand , almost every kind of coil springs and anti-roll bars.Günsan applies the philosophy of Total Quality Management (TQM). The company's aim is to provide customers with high quality products manufactured according to newly developed technologies. To fulfill this aim Günsan is determined to grow continously and gives special emphasis on the technical training of it's employees . Günsan's well trained and experienced team is looking forward to meet your demands and serve you according to with our company's well known perfectionist understanding.
Gunsan Otomotiv Yedek Parcalari Uretim ve Tic. A.S.